Google Video

Google has introduced a new service called “Google Video”. This engine (still in beta) enables users to search the text of TV shows. Right now, video playback is not included.
If you know the name of the TV program, you can use the “title” syntax. For example: title:tonight show
It also provides timings of upcoming episodes for a specified show and zipcode.

Yahoo also launced the beta of its video search engine on Jan 15, 2005.
More info:
Google Video article
About Google Video

Preventing comment spam – the “nofollow” tag

Google has joined the initiative to fight/prevent comment spam. It has introduced a new tag called “nofollow”. When Google comes across a hyperlink with this tag, it will ignore these links and not give any credit to them.
Read more about it in the Google Blog post (Jan 18, 2005).
Movable Type already supports comment moderation i.e. comments do not show up online till they are approved. But even deleting the unapproved comment spam is a real headache. I get about 20 to 30 comment spam on an average each day. Movable Type released a Guide to Comment Spam some days back (Jan 4, 2005).
Update (09:30 PM 1/20/2005): Have installed the MT nofollow plugin. Now, the links in the comments will automatically have the “nofollow” tag added to them. So, Google and other search engines will ignore those links.
Update (12:52 PM 1/21/2005): Read related article at

UT webmail quota is now 100 MB

The UT webmail quota has been increased to 100 MB from the previous 20 MB. This increase was supposed to have been implemented on Jan 1, 2005. But till yesterday, my quota was still 20 MB. Just checked now, and my webmail quota is now 100 MB. Yes!!!
I have a Gmail account but I don’t use it too often. Reason is that there is no IMAP access. And I just can’t live without IMAP! 😉 But if Gmail decides to offer IMAP, I am even prepared to pay for it. 1000 MB email space with IMAP access? That would be just awesome! 🙂
Update (6:14 PM 1/28/2005): There is an article in the Daily Beacon about the increase in the Webmail quota.

Happy New Year 2005!

Hello World!
Happy New Year 2005!
Best wishes to everybody out there.
This is my first post of the year. 🙂
And guess what, I LOVE Waffle House! Especially the hashbrowns and the cheese omeletes! 🙂 🙂
Also, see this small forward that I got from one of my friends. I think it is pretty nice.
Wishing You Everything Good
Wishing you everything good
Every Star, a guiding one
Every Sky, a blue one
Every Heart, an open one
Every Friend, a true one
Every Dream, a lasting one
Every Song, a bright one
Every Path, an easy one
Every Turn, the right one
Happy New Year 2005!