Google’s New Look

I do not know when Google launched it’s “New Look”. I had read about it in a Webpronews newsletter sometime back. I came across it today on another computer and searched for it on Google (but, of course 😉 ). Here is what I got.
It seems that Google has not made the new look standard. But if you would like to preview it, you can use drag the following bookmarklet to your bookmarks bar, go to Google and click on the bookmark.
toggle google look <- drag this link to your bookmark bar (maybe IE only). More info is here. Some screenshots are given below.
Google Default Look:

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Google New Look:

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Google vs. Yahoo search results.

Came across this online tool which compares search results in Google vs. Yahoo. It is available here. Came to know about the tool from an article on webpronews. A cached page of the results for the keyword ‘maisnam’ is here. Just realized that the results in the link above are not ‘cached’ because they are generated by a flash sript on their server. So here is a screenshot.
Pretty nice tool. Try it out.