I saw this photograph in a picture frame in a store. Obviously, they were selling the picture frame and the photograph just happened to be there. The girl in the photograph is most probably a model, actress or a celebrity of some sort. I wonder who she is.
If you have any idea who this girl is, please post a comment or send me an email. You can also view a larger version of the photograph here.
Suggestions till now:
1. Jennifer Garner
2. Michelle Trachtenberg (plays Dawn Summers in “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”)
she looks like that girl who plays Dawn in the TV show Buffy… But that is my best guess.
Hi Bobby,
Whatz this dog doing on your server at page http://blog.maisnam.com/?=PHPE9568F36-D428-11d2-A769-00AA001ACF42
I also have a similar thought as Meggan,
My name is Will and I am doing a power point presentation and I was wondering if I could use some pictures from your cite. The picture will only be used once at my school and will not be used otherwise. I will be sure to cite your page in my bibliography. Please let me know if this is okay.
Thank you,
Blake Bibat