I found out today that I was locked out of my own blog! Sounds like it was the WordPress Login Lockdown plugin. I got the following error message:
ERROR: We’re sorry, but this IP range has been blocked due to too many recent failed login attempts.
To unlock myself, I went into the MySQL database for my WordPress installation, and ran the following SQL code. This code sets the release_date to a date in the past so that I can login again. Thanks to Nick for the SQL code.
update wp_lockdowns set release_date=”2017-01-01 00:00:00″ where lockdown_IP=”<IP address>”;
If the above does not work, run the following SQL command. Note that this will reset the “release_date” for all IP addresses, not just yours.
update wp_lockdowns set release_date=”2017-01-01 00:00:00″ where lockdown_ID > 0
By mistake i have tried just to rename all my database tables prefix then i got many errors .now i cant unblock my admin username and password i got the following error msg
ERROR: We’re sorry, but this IP range has been blocked due to too many recent failed login attempts.
WTF – how do you access MySQL?
Or just temporarily rename the Login Lockdown folder through FTP in order to disable it and then log in and rename it back.
It Works!! Thanks.
The same happened to me today. I just connected via FTP and deactivated the Plugin by renaming the plugin folder to anything like “login-lockdown.old” and could login in dashboard.
Then I deleted the plugin in wordpress dashboard and installed again 🙂
P.S. I even did not need to remove it I guess, I saw in the tab “activites” in that plugin in wordpress that you can see the blocked IP and can release it.