Download from Google Drive using wget in Linux

By default, Google Drive does not allow plain wget commands (e.g. wget google-drive-link) in Linux. The workaround is to use the following syntax:

For example, to download the file from the Google Drive link below:

You can use the following wget command in Linux. Note that you have to enter the google drive file id twice and also enter the file name.
wget --load-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt "$(wget --quiet --save-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --no-check-certificate '' -O- | sed -rn 's/.*confirm=([0-9A-Za-z_]+).*/\1\n/p')&id=1vzHBVXvpF0dFKaDamJ6THg-0Gc-cSDoR" -O && rm -rf /tmp/cookies.txt

Thanks to this website below for the idea:

Gmail HTML version link

Click the link below if you wish to view the Basic HTML version of Gmail. This is useful when the regular Gmail version is having problems loading.

Gmail Basic HTML Version:

To go back to the regular version, you can:

  1. Use the links at the bottom of your Gmail screeen, or
  2. Log out and log back in, or
  3. Use the following links to toggle between the different versions:


Google Apps Free/Standard Version Link

Looks like Google Apps has made the free/standard version harder to find. If you search for “google apps” in Google, you get pointed to but that does not have the link to the free/standard version.
As of 9/28/2009, the link to the Free/Standard version of Google Apps is:
or and then click on the “Standard” link

Importing waypoints from Garmin 650 GPS

You can import your waypoints from the Garmin 650 GPS using Google Earth.
Import GPS waypoints using Google Earth - click to enlarge (24 kb).
[1] Connect your Garmin 650 GPS to your computer via the USB cable
[2] Turn on your Garmin 650 GPS
[3] Go to Tools > GPS in Google Earth
[4] Click on “Garmin”
[5] Click the “Import” button
Detailed instructions:
Waypoints current.gpx file
Note: The waypoints are stored in a current.gpx file. The location is F:\Garmin\gpx\current.gpx. In this case, the GPS shows up on my computer as the “F” drive. It is an XML file and you can read it using Notepad/Wordpad or drag/drop into Google Earth.
GPS coordinates in Google Maps
If you know want to send a GPS coordinate link in Google Maps by email, you can use the following syntax.,-77.03655
In this case, 38.89767 is the longitude and -77.03655 is the latitude. This is similar to entering 38.89767,-77.03655 in Google Maps.

Virgle, Custom Time, gDay – April Fool’s Day from Google

Google always has provided a April Fool’s Day practical joke on its main page. This time however, there are many more – on different Google products like Gmail, Orkut, YouTube and Google Docs. I came across 3 of them.

If you want to see the entire list (15 total) including the ones from previous years, you can check out the Google’s Hoaxes page at Wikipedia. I feel that there are too many this year. In fact, too many that it is a crowd. They should have stuck to the hoax on the main page and maybe a few more.