Rediffmail now offers 1 GB of email space.

This is hilarious!
Rediffmail has also joined the GB bandwagon. Google first intoduced Gmail with 1 GB email space. Yahoo then increased its email space quota to 100 MB. And today, I see that Rediff has also followed suit and increased its email space to 1 GB! One of my rediff accounts is a paid one and for that account, the email space quota is 2 GB! Compared to rediffmail, I think Yahoo’s email space quota is more reasonable.
I just don’t understand how they are going to maintain such huge amounts of email space.

1 thought on “Rediffmail now offers 1 GB of email space.”

  1. Hi All
    Well it is a good news for Rediffmail account Holders Free ” 1 GB ” Mail Space, fine some people says it is crazy but its nesscary to have Huge
    E mail space just two days back i read even Hotmail and also Yahoo they are joining this War.


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