Installed Lotus Notes

Installed Lotus Notes client. Could not login into the UTIA network initially because I did not have the file. Emailed Dr. Dearden and he emailed my file to me almost immediately. Tried again with the new file and it is working properly. Tested notes-encypted messages but they can’t be read in Outlook Express. Changed display name and also tried to connect to UT Lotus Notes server. For some reason, I am not able to view the UT database.

Shifted blog to CS server

After a few trials and errors I have shifted the blog files to the my CS webspace.
It is working fine except that it seems to be much slower here. Most probably it is slow because I am keeping the MySQL database on the server. Maybe I should shift over to Berkeley DB and keep the files on my CS webspace instead.
Another thing I learnt is that to change the file permissions of all files in a directory, I should use:
UNIX> chmod -R 755 docs
[This will change the permissions of files in the “docs” directory to 755].
I know this seems pretty elementary but well I did not know :(. Anyway, SSH by default keeps the file permissions to 644 [at least on the CS server]. All these days, I have been going into the directories and manually changing the file permissions!!! I did write a Perl script sometime to do this, but it did not work properly always. Anyway, the Perl script might come in handy if the owner of the directory is “nobody” [happens sometimes for auto-generated files] or if Shell access is not there [for example, in cases of shared hosting where only FTP and cgi-bin access is given]

Everything is working fine.

Everything is working fine now. I figured out why I was not getting the main page. It was being generated inside the cgi-bin directory.
Now, I have to figure out if I can set up Movable Type on my CS account and keep the MySQL database file on

Thursday Night

Went to Wal-Mart with Nikhil, Damu and Saumil. Bought some groceries. Manish and Pady made chicken. We had a small party of sorts at night. Anuj and Sampy also came. The chicken was really tasty. Nikhil and Damu went back at 2:10 AM. I am still trying to figure out how to generate the index page in MT.